How to find the PostgreSQL server uptime

In this article, we will see how to find the PostgreSQL server uptime. To find the PstgreSQL server uptime, we use PostgreSQL built-in function pg_postmaster_start_time(). Or by checking the time host and postgresql server start time.

Find the PostgreSQL server uptime

We can find the time difference between current_timestamp and pg_postmaster_start_time() to find the PostgreSQL server uptime.

Step1: Connect to the PostgreSQL server:

sudo su - postgres psql

step2: Run the following statement to find out the POstgreSQL server uptime.

select current_timestamp - pg_postmaster_start_time() as uptime;

Step3: We can also get PostgreSQL server uptime by comparing PostgreSQL server start time and current host start time.

Find the PostgreSQL start time by checking following command:

systemctl status postgresql-14

From the above output, it is clearing stating PostgreSQL server up from last 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Now check the host time: