How to find the table size in PostgreSQL

In this article, we will see how to find the table size in PostgreSQL. We can find the table size by using pg_relation_size. pg_relation_size returns the size of a table in bytes. If we want more readable format, use pg_size_pretty() function.

We can also find the size of PostgreSQL table, using meta command \dt+ table_name.

Find the table size in PostgreSQL examples:

1. Find the PostgreSQL table size using pg_relation_size.

select pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('customer'));

2. Find the table size with readable format like KB, MB or GB..

select pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('customer'));

3. Find the table size using meta-command in PostgreSQL Server.

\dt+ customer

4. Find the total size of the table including indexes and other spaces in PostgreSQL server.

select pg_total_relation_size('customer');