How to install and configure PostgreSQL 16 on Oracle Linux

In this article, we will see How to install and configure PostgreSQL 16 on Oracle Linux server step by step.

Install PostgreSQL 16 on Oracle Linux

1. Install the repository RPM:

sudo dnf install -y

2. Now disable if any built-in postgresql module is there:

sudo dnf -qy module disable postgresql

3. Install PostgreSQL 16 on Oracle Linux 9/8 Server by running below command:

sudo dnf install -y postgresql16-server

PostgreSQL server post installation steps on Oracle Linux:

1. Initiate the database by running below command:

sudo /usr/pgsql-16/bin/postgresql-16-setup initdb

2. Enable the PostgreSQL 16 service on Oracle Linux:

sudo systemctl enable postgresql-16

3. By default, PostgreSQL 16 service is stopped on the Oracle Linux Server. Start it by running below command.

sudo systemctl start postgresql-16

4. Now connect to the PostgreSQL 16 using psql utility.

sudo su - postgres psql

5. Now, we have set the password for user postgres.

alter user postgres with password 'admin@123';

Now we can create database , table and users.

For further actions about PostgreSQL 16 on Oracle Linux, watch below video: